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About me

I see yoga as a holistic natural therapy. Each of us is a whole. The whole that is made up of our body mind and soul. Yoga deals with all these parts. It brings relaxation and healing in a simple way.


Yoga has been a part of my life for over 17 years. At first, I was fascinated by its physical effects, but gradually I also discovered other benefits, such as well-being, inner peace, or a positive attitude to life.

Above all, however, its unique ability to heal and the fact that yoga can be practiced by really everyone, you just need to choose a suitable practice.


It still brings me something new and above all a smile both on the face and inside. I would like to share this joy with you.

My personal experience and continuing education is integral
part of my yoga journey.

Education - 500 RYT licensed yoga teacher with more than 17 years experience

20202/2022    Intensive practice and teaching yoga, Cayman Islands 


2019                 RYT 300, specializing in yoga therapy and Ayurveda, Spain


2018                 Study of Yoga and Ayurveda, India


2018                 Course of hormonal yoga therapy personally with Dinah Rodriguez, Prague


2018                 RYT 200, specialization power yoga and hatha yoga, Prague


2015                 Yoga teacher 150 course with power yoga specialization, Prague


​© 2019 Yoga flow therapy

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